NeonHub | Dubai's #1 - Custom Neon & LED Signs Brand, Neon Canvas

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♥ Neonhub ♥

♥ Neonhub ♥

Neonhub Canvas - $199

1Add your image

Set preview text background image

2Enter your text

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Position your text

4Select your size

Select S size for 2 text lines, select M or L size for 3 text lines

5Select your font

Font palette and text alignment of preview text Font palette, scroll right to check +30 fonts

6Select your color

Color palette and custom colors on color picker Colors palette, scroll right to check and set custom color
Neonhub Blue


7Level up your canvas

Includes 2 brushed nickel hooks, 4 medium strips, 1 hook holds 3 lbs

3M Command

No drills needed
Add to Order - $10

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Easy Installation


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Bring your memories to life with "Neon Canvas." This unique piece combines your favorite photo with custom LED neon text, creating vibrant, personal artwork that brightens any space. Unbox your creation and let it shine. Whether it’s a gift or a keepsake, this glowing canvas is designed to inspire and captivate.
Size: 52 x 52 cm (20.5 x 20.5 inches).